38 Idioms for Crazy

Crazy can describe a variety of emotions and states of mind, often reflecting eccentricity or irrational behavior. Understanding idioms for crazy enriches our language and helps us express ourselves in creative ways.

In this article, we will explore 38 idioms that convey the essence of craziness. Each idiom is accompanied by its meaning, an example sentence, and alternative expressions, providing a comprehensive look at how we articulate this concept in everyday conversation.

Idioms for Crazy

1. Off the wall

Meaning: Unconventional or eccentric behavior that is unexpected.
In a Sentence: Her ideas were so off the wall that no one knew how to respond.
Other Ways to Say: Out of the box, quirky, unconventional.

2. Batty

Meaning: Slightly crazy or eccentric, often in a humorous way.
In a Sentence: He’s a bit batty, but that’s what makes him fun to be around.
Other Ways to Say: Nuts, wacky, bonkers.

3. Losing one’s marbles

Meaning: To become insane or to lose one’s mental stability.
In a Sentence: After working non-stop for weeks, I feel like I’m losing my marbles.
Other Ways to Say: Going mad, losing it, going off the deep end.

4. A few screws loose

Meaning: To be slightly crazy or irrational.
In a Sentence: She’s got a few screws loose if she thinks that plan will work.
Other Ways to Say: Not quite right, a bit off, slightly unhinged.

5. Crazy as a loon

Meaning: Extremely eccentric or crazy.
In a Sentence: That old man is as crazy as a loon, always talking to his garden gnomes.
Other Ways to Say: Mad as a hatter, completely bonkers, utterly insane.

6. Out to lunch

Meaning: Not mentally present; distracted or confused.
In a Sentence: He was completely out to lunch during the meeting and missed important points.
Other Ways to Say: Daydreaming, not all there, lost in thought.

7. Not playing with a full deck

Meaning: Lacking intelligence or sanity; not fully aware.
In a Sentence: I think he’s not playing with a full deck when he makes those decisions.
Other Ways to Say: Not all there, a few bricks short, off his rocker.

8. Gone off the deep end

Meaning: To become irrational or mad.
In a Sentence: After the breakup, she really went off the deep end.
Other Ways to Say: Lost it, gone bonkers, flipped out.

9. A basket case

Meaning: Someone who is unable to cope due to extreme emotional distress.
In a Sentence: After the stressful project, I felt like a total basket case.
Other Ways to Say: Emotional wreck, mess, frazzled.

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10. Mad as a hatter

Meaning: Completely insane.
In a Sentence: That theory of his is as mad as a hatter!
Other Ways to Say: Crazy, loony, kooky.

11. Off the rails

Meaning: Out of control or behaving in a way that is not normal.
In a Sentence: His behavior has been off the rails since he lost his job.
Other Ways to Say: Out of control, going wild, unruly.

12. A few fries short of a Happy Meal

Meaning: Not very intelligent or sane.
In a Sentence: I think he’s a few fries short of a Happy Meal if he believes that.
Other Ways to Say: Not the sharpest tool, a few cards short, a bit dim.

13. Round the bend

Meaning: Crazy, often due to stress or pressure.
In a Sentence: After all that studying, I felt like I was going round the bend.
Other Ways to Say: Lost my mind, gone crazy, off my rocker.

14. Out of one’s mind

Meaning: To be unable to think clearly; crazy.
In a Sentence: She must be out of her mind to jump off that cliff!
Other Ways to Say: Crazy as can be, not thinking straight, insane.

15. In la-la land

Meaning: Not aware of reality; daydreaming.
In a Sentence: He was completely in la-la land during the discussion.
Other Ways to Say: Dreaming, lost in a fantasy, spacey.

16. A little touched

Meaning: Slightly insane or eccentric.
In a Sentence: He’s a little touched, but he has a good heart.
Other Ways to Say: Offbeat, quirky, a bit eccentric.

17. Losing it

Meaning: To become emotionally unstable or to lose control.
In a Sentence: She’s losing it over the smallest things these days.
Other Ways to Say: Breaking down, flipping out, going wild.

18. Not right in the head

Meaning: Mentally unstable or irrational.
In a Sentence: You must be not right in the head if you think that will work!
Other Ways to Say: Not quite sane, a bit off, mentally skewed.

19. Screwy

Meaning: Crazy or peculiar in an amusing way.
In a Sentence: His ideas are so screwy that they often make me laugh.
Other Ways to Say: Wacky, bizarre, ludicrous.

20. Completely bonkers

Meaning: Utterly crazy or irrational.
In a Sentence: That plan is completely bonkers and won’t work at all.
Other Ways to Say: Totally insane, absurd, off the wall.

21. Off the charts

Meaning: Beyond normal limits; extremely unusual.
In a Sentence: His enthusiasm for the project was off the charts!
Other Ways to Say: Exceedingly high, through the roof, beyond belief.

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22. All over the place

Meaning: Confused or chaotic; scattered thoughts.
In a Sentence: Her thoughts were all over the place during the presentation.
Other Ways to Say: Disorganized, scattered, chaotic.

23. A few beans short of a casserole

Meaning: Not very bright or a bit crazy.
In a Sentence: He’s a few beans short of a casserole if he thinks that will succeed!
Other Ways to Say: Missing a few marbles, not all there, a bit daft.

24. A little off-kilter

Meaning: Slightly strange or unusual in behavior.
In a Sentence: His sense of humor is a little off-kilter, but I like it.
Other Ways to Say: Quirky, eccentric, odd.

25. A couple of cards short of a deck

Meaning: Not very intelligent; slightly crazy.
In a Sentence: I think she’s a couple of cards short of a deck if she believes that.
Other Ways to Say: Not all there, a few bricks short, not the brightest.

26. A sandwich short of a picnic

Meaning: Not very intelligent or rational.
In a Sentence: He’s a sandwich short of a picnic, thinking that will solve the issue.
Other Ways to Say: A few fries short, missing a few screws, not quite right.

27. A bit off the beaten path

Meaning: Unconventional or not following the norm.
In a Sentence: His ideas are a bit off the beaten path, but they’re refreshing.
Other Ways to Say: Unique, different, unconventional.

28. Not firing on all cylinders

Meaning: Not functioning at full mental capacity.
In a Sentence: After that long flight, I feel like I’m not firing on all cylinders.
Other Ways to Say: Not at my best, slow on the uptake, foggy.

29. Gone around the bend

Meaning: To become insane or irrational.
In a Sentence: I think he’s gone around the bend with all his conspiracy theories.
Other Ways to Say: Lost it, gone nuts, off his rocker.

30. A bit touched in the head

Meaning: Slightly crazy or eccentric.
In a Sentence: He’s a bit touched in the head, but that makes him charming.
Other Ways to Say: Eccentric, quirky, slightly off.

31. A little nuts

Meaning: Slightly crazy or irrational.
In a Sentence: She’s a little nuts to think that will work!
Other Ways to Say: A bit crazy, offbeat, slightly odd.

32. A few marbles short

Meaning: Lacking in sanity or intelligence.
In a Sentence: I think he’s a few marbles short for believing that.
Other Ways to Say: Not quite right, a bit off, slightly insane.

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33. A few peas short of a pod

Meaning: Not very bright or a bit crazy.
In a Sentence: She’s a few peas short of a pod if she thinks that will work.
Other Ways to Say: Not all there, a bit off, slightly daft.

34. A little out there

Meaning: Eccentric or unconventional in thinking.
In a Sentence: His theories are a little out there but intriguing.
Other Ways to Say: Quirky, unusual, unconventional.

35. Out of control

Meaning: Unable to be managed or restrained; chaotic.
In a Sentence: The party got out of control quickly after a few drinks.
Other Ways to Say: Unruly, wild, chaotic.

36. Lost in the sauce

Meaning: Confused or disoriented due to excess.
In a Sentence: After that last drink, I was completely lost in the sauce.
Other Ways to Say: Out of it, disoriented, dazed.

37. Scatterbrained

Meaning: Forgetful or unable to concentrate.
In a Sentence: I’m feeling scatterbrained today and can’t focus on anything.
Other Ways to Say: Disorganized, forgetful, absent-minded.

38. A little bonkers

Meaning: Slightly crazy or eccentric.
In a Sentence: She’s a little bonkers, but that’s what I love about her.
Other Ways to Say: Quirky, eccentric, a bit off.

Quiz on Idioms for Crazy

What does “batty” mean?

A) Very intelligent
B) Slightly crazy
C) Extremely happy
Answer: B) Slightly crazy

Which idiom means to lose one’s mental stability?

A) A basket case
B) A few screws loose
C) Both A and B
Answer: C) Both A and B

What does “losing it” imply?

A) Gaining control
B) Becoming emotionally unstable
C) Finding something lost
Answer: B) Becoming emotionally unstable

What does “gone off the deep end” mean?

A) To start swimming
B) To become irrational
C) To make a decision
Answer: B) To become irrational

Which idiom suggests someone is not functioning at full capacity?

A) A little touched
B) Not firing on all cylinders
C) Off the charts
Answer: B) Not firing on all cylinders


Idioms for crazy enrich our language, offering colorful ways to describe eccentricity and irrational behavior. They help convey emotions and states of mind creatively and humorously. By using these idioms, we can express ourselves with flair, making our conversations more engaging and relatable

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