35 Similes for Ugly

Similes for ugly help us express feelings and observations in a colorful way. Using imaginative comparisons can transform our descriptions, making them more relatable and vivid. Whether you’re describing a person, an object, or a situation, these similes will add flair to your language.

In this article, we’ll explore 35 creative similes that encapsulate the concept of ugliness. Each simile offers a unique perspective, allowing you to articulate your thoughts with precision and creativity. Let’s dive in and discover how these expressions can enhance your writing!

Similes for ugly

1. Ugly as a wart

  • Meaning: This simile conveys something that is particularly unattractive or unpleasant to look at.
  • In a Sentence: “That old building is as ugly as a wart, standing out unceremoniously in the beautiful neighborhood.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as sin, ugly as a toad.

2. Ugly as a dog’s breakfast

  • Meaning: This phrase suggests something that is messy and unappealing, often used humorously.
  • In a Sentence: “The room was left as ugly as a dog’s breakfast after the party, with clothes and trash scattered everywhere.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a pigsty, ugly as a junkyard.

3. Ugly as a mud fence

  • Meaning: This simile implies something is rudimentary and unattractive, lacking charm or elegance.
  • In a Sentence: “The car looked as ugly as a mud fence, with rust and dents all over it.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a brick, ugly as a barn.

4. Ugly as a troll

  • Meaning: This simile draws on the mythical image of trolls, known for their grotesque appearances.
  • In a Sentence: “That sculpture is as ugly as a troll, with features that seem exaggerated and unappealing.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a gargoyle, ugly as a monster.

5. Ugly as sin

  • Meaning: This common expression emphasizes extreme unattractiveness, often used emphatically.
  • In a Sentence: “Her dress was as ugly as sin, clashing colors that hurt the eyes.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a nightmare, ugly as a horror.

6. Ugly as a burnt pancake

  • Meaning: This simile suggests something that is charred and unappetizing, evoking a sense of unpleasantness.
  • In a Sentence: “The old sofa was as ugly as a burnt pancake, stained and sagging from years of neglect.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a scorched pot, ugly as a charred log.

7. Ugly as a dumpster fire

  • Meaning: This phrase conveys a sense of chaotic ugliness, often used to describe a situation gone wrong.
  • In a Sentence: “The debate turned as ugly as a dumpster fire, with insults flying back and forth.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a train wreck, ugly as a car crash.

8. Ugly as a scarecrow

  • Meaning: This simile suggests a ragged and disheveled appearance, lacking attractiveness.
  • In a Sentence: “His outfit was as ugly as a scarecrow, mismatched and unkempt.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a rag doll, ugly as a frumpy dress.

9. Ugly as a barn door

  • Meaning: This simile compares something to the unrefined appearance of a barn door, implying it lacks beauty.
  • In a Sentence: “The new building is as ugly as a barn door, with no architectural flair whatsoever.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a warehouse, ugly as a factory.

10. Ugly as a crow

  • Meaning: Crows are often seen as unattractive birds, making this simile imply an unappealing appearance.
  • In a Sentence: “His haircut was as ugly as a crow, sticking out in all directions.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a vulture, ugly as a buzzard.
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11. Ugly as a mud puddle

  • Meaning: This simile suggests something that is dirty and unappealing, evoking a sense of messiness.
  • In a Sentence: “The old carpet looked as ugly as a mud puddle after the rain.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a swamp, ugly as a bog.

12. Ugly as a witch

  • Meaning: Drawing from folklore, this simile implies something that is frightening or unattractive.
  • In a Sentence: “The house was as ugly as a witch, with crooked windows and an eerie atmosphere.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a hag, ugly as a goblin.

13. Ugly as a war zone

  • Meaning: This simile conveys a sense of destruction and chaos, emphasizing extreme ugliness.
  • In a Sentence: “The aftermath of the party looked as ugly as a war zone, with debris scattered everywhere.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a battlefield, ugly as a disaster area.

14. Ugly as a skeleton

  • Meaning: This simile suggests an appearance that is bare and unattractive, lacking life or charm.
  • In a Sentence: “The old tree stood in the yard, as ugly as a skeleton without its leaves.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a corpse, ugly as a ghost.

15. Ugly as a lizard

  • Meaning: Lizards are often considered unappealing by some people, making this simile effective in conveying ugliness.
  • In a Sentence: “Her new painting was as ugly as a lizard, with colors that clashed horribly.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a snake, ugly as a bug.

16. Ugly as a troll

  • Meaning: This simile draws on the mythical image of trolls, known for their grotesque appearances.
  • In a Sentence: “That sculpture is as ugly as a troll, with features that seem exaggerated and unappealing.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a gargoyle, ugly as a monster.

17. Ugly as a broken toy

  • Meaning: This simile suggests something that is damaged and no longer appealing, evoking a sense of sadness.
  • In a Sentence: “The abandoned car was as ugly as a broken toy, rusted and forgotten.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a shattered glass, ugly as a ruined game.

18. Ugly as a cinder block

  • Meaning: This simile implies something that is plain and unattractive, lacking any beauty or elegance.
  • In a Sentence: “The new building looked as ugly as a cinder block, with no character whatsoever.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a brick wall, ugly as concrete.

19. Ugly as a spider

  • Meaning: This simile evokes a feeling of fear or disgust, commonly associated with spiders.
  • In a Sentence: “The old wallpaper was as ugly as a spider, with patterns that made my skin crawl.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a bug, ugly as a rat.

20. Ugly as a pothole

  • Meaning: This simile conveys an image of something that is broken and unappealing, often causing inconvenience.
  • In a Sentence: “The road was as ugly as a pothole, full of cracks and bumps that jostled the car.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a sinkhole, ugly as a crater.

21. Ugly as a broken mirror

  • Meaning: This simile suggests something that is shattered and unpleasing to look at, often symbolizing bad luck.
  • In a Sentence: “The shattered glass on the floor looked as ugly as a broken mirror, reflecting chaos.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a fractured vase, ugly as a damaged window.
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22. Ugly as a rusty nail

  • Meaning: This simile conveys a sense of decay and unattractiveness, emphasizing neglect.
  • In a Sentence: “The old fence was as ugly as a rusty nail, splintered and darkened by time.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as an old tool, ugly as a worn-out shoe.

23. Ugly as a wreck

  • Meaning: This simile suggests something that is in a state of disrepair, evoking a sense of disaster.
  • In a Sentence: “The abandoned house looked as ugly as a wreck, with broken windows and overgrown weeds.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as ruins, ugly as a disaster.

24. Ugly as a choked engine

  • Meaning: This simile implies something that is struggling and unattractive, often associated with poor performance.
  • In a Sentence: “The old car sounded as ugly as a choked engine, sputtering and coughing.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a malfunctioning device, ugly as a dying battery.

25. Ugly as a foggy morning

  • Meaning: This simile suggests a lack of clarity and beauty, often associated with dreary weather.
  • In a Sentence: “The view was as ugly as a foggy morning, with everything obscured and dull.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a gloomy day, ugly as a stormy sky.

26. Ugly as a moldy sandwich

  • Meaning: This simile evokes disgust, suggesting something that is spoiled and unfit for consumption.
  • In a Sentence: “The leftovers smelled as ugly as a moldy sandwich, making me lose my appetite.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as rotten food, ugly as spoiled fruit.

27. Ugly as a cat’s litter box

  • Meaning: This simile conveys a strong sense of unpleasantness and unsightliness.
  • In a Sentence: “The neglected yard looked as ugly as a cat’s litter box, filled with debris and weeds.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a trash heap, ugly as a dumpster.

28. Ugly as a toad

  • Meaning: Toads are often associated with unattractiveness, making this simile effective.
  • In a Sentence: “His new hairstyle was as ugly as a toad, turning heads for all the wrong reasons.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a frog, ugly as a lizard.

29. Ugly as a sour lemon

  • Meaning: This simile implies something that is bitter and unappealing, suggesting displeasure.
  • In a Sentence: “Her attitude was as ugly as a sour lemon, leaving everyone feeling uncomfortable.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a spoiled fruit, ugly as a bad apple.

30. Ugly as a dilapidated shack

  • Meaning: This simile suggests something that is in poor condition and visually unappealing.
  • In a Sentence: “The abandoned building looked as ugly as a dilapidated shack, with peeling paint and broken windows.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a rundown house, ugly as a crumbling structure.

31. Ugly as a wrecking ball

  • Meaning: This simile implies something that causes destruction and is visually unappealing.
  • In a Sentence: “The construction site was as ugly as a wrecking ball, with debris scattered everywhere.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a bulldozer, ugly as a demolition zone.

32. Ugly as an old sock

  • Meaning: This simile suggests something worn out and unattractive, evoking a sense of neglect.
  • In a Sentence: “His old sweater was as ugly as an old sock, full of holes and faded colors.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a rag, ugly as a torn shirt.
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33. Ugly as a bad painting

  • Meaning: This simile conveys poor artistic quality, suggesting something that is visually displeasing.
  • In a Sentence: “The mural on the wall was as ugly as a bad painting, with clashing colors and odd shapes.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a child’s drawing, ugly as abstract art.

34. Ugly as a thunderstorm

  • Meaning: This simile suggests something that is fierce and unwelcoming, evoking a sense of dread.
  • In a Sentence: “The weather turned as ugly as a thunderstorm, dark clouds rolling in and winds howling.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a hurricane, ugly as a tempest.

35. Ugly as a cracked egg

  • Meaning: This simile suggests something that is broken and unappealing, evoking a sense of waste.
  • In a Sentence: “The old chair looked as ugly as a cracked egg, barely holding itself together.”
  • Other Ways to Say: Ugly as a broken shell, ugly as a spoiled egg.

Quiz on Similes for Ugly

1. What does the simile “ugly as a dog’s breakfast” imply?

  • A) Something messy and unappealing
  • B) Something cute and cuddly
  • C) Something colorful and vibrant
  • Answer: A) Something messy and unappealing

2. Which simile suggests extreme unattractiveness?

  • A) Ugly as a burnt pancake
  • B) Ugly as a flower
  • C) Ugly as a rainbow
  • Answer: A) Ugly as a burnt pancake

3. What does “ugly as a dumpster fire” convey?

  • A) A beautiful situation
  • B) Chaotic ugliness
  • C) A peaceful moment
  • Answer: B) Chaotic ugliness

4. Which simile suggests something is in a poor condition?

  • A) Ugly as a barn door
  • B) Ugly as a dilapidated shack
  • C) Ugly as a flower garden
  • Answer: B) Ugly as a dilapidated shack

5. What does “ugly as a crow” imply?

  • A) Something beautiful
  • B) Something unattractive
  • C) Something colorful
  • Answer: B) Something unattractive

6. Which simile indicates something chaotic and unappealing?

  • A) Ugly as a tranquil lake
  • B) Ugly as a thunderstorm
  • C) Ugly as a sunny day
  • Answer: B) Ugly as a thunderstorm

7. What does “ugly as a moldy sandwich” suggest?

  • A) Something fresh and appealing
  • B) Something spoiled and unfit for consumption
  • C) Something delicious
  • Answer: B) Something spoiled and unfit for consumption

8. Which simile implies something is grotesque?

  • A) Ugly as a troll
  • B) Ugly as a butterfly
  • C) Ugly as a kitten
  • Answer: A) Ugly as a troll

9. What does “ugly as a pothole” convey?

  • A) A beautiful road
  • B) A well-maintained path
  • C) Something broken and unattractive
  • Answer: C) Something broken and unattractive

10. Which simile suggests extreme unappealingness through comparison to a mythical creature?

  • A) Ugly as a fairy
  • B) Ugly as a unicorn
  • C) Ugly as a troll
  • Answer: C) Ugly as a troll


Similes for ugly provide vivid and creative ways to express unattractiveness in various contexts. By comparing the undesirable to relatable images, these similes enrich our language and help convey strong emotions. From “ugly as a wart” to “ugly as a dumpster fire,” each expression paints a clear picture of what we find displeasing. Using these similes can elevate your writing, making it more engaging and memorable.

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